Workshops and Consulting (please tap my brain)

A random stock image of post-it notes (why not?)

The Future is Daunting. Let Me Help.

What food trends are worth investing in, and which are simply fads?

How should a company use a new technology, while still connecting to its customers?

Which analog tools can unlock productivity, creativity, and forge connections, and how do we find that out?

How can we create greater opportunities for more representative entrepreneurs in a community?

Sometimes, an organization’s questions about the future require a more thoughtful effort to answer. I’m thrilled to have worked with a variety of teams over the years (including governments, banks, chocolate companies, and trade associations), to help them figure out their way forward, with the knowledge I’ve gained writing on these topics.


A random stock image of a typewriter (because…)

How You can Work with Me

  • Consulting: aka…pick my brain to gain insight on something that requires a fresh perspective. Can be a one-off call or a longer term engagement.

  • Facilitated Workshops: aka…a deep dive into a topic, led by me, that changes your team’s thinking and gets results. Typically half a day, though can be longer.

  • Each engagement is tailor made for the client, and completely customizable. No two are the same.

  • Analog powered interactions. Humor centered. Human focused (No Powerpoints or jargon…Ever!)